Who we Are

For years a common stereotype occurs:

“You can’t study art
without gifted talent”.

Mobius Academy challenges that.

Founded in 2018, Mobius Academy specializes in Diploma in Interior Design and Diploma in Digital Illustration with the focus to go beyond traditional art and design education; Mobius Academy aims to ignite and nurture every student’s innate sense of flair and creativity.

However, Art and Design is not just about expressing and being creative.  

In today’s professional landscape, the paramount challenges revolve around talent shortages and the development of competencies. Surprisingly, the issue isn’t solely the scarcity of graduates to meet market demand; the primary concern lies in the graduate’s competencies not fully aligning with the specific requirements of the job market. While technology continues to advance rapidly, human skills often lag behind.

For this reason, Mobius Academy prioritizes equipping our graduates with practical skills that align with current market demands as we believe that it is vital to cultivate the right mindset for a fulfilling career in the art and design industry in Malaysia.

mobius who are we


awards & recognitions




I have always believed that even with the rise and advancement of science and technology nowadays, the only concrete symbol to display human civilization must be art and design.

Science and art may seem to be two different disciplines, but they share the same essence: the exploration of the unknown. Humans are remarkable beings because we have never stopped exploring since the beginning of time. This profound drive has brought us the high level of innovation and technology we enjoy today. Therefore, I truly believe that education has played an important role in this achievement.

Many people believe that learning design requires a certain amount of talent, but I don’t think talent is all that matters. Without proper guidance and training, talent can go to waste. My philosophy in founding a school is to teach without prejudice, a belief that has become both a key motivator and I believe, a challenge for the education scene in Malaysia. As the saying goes, “The best education is to be a role model,” learning can truly be fun, and if all educators embrace this mindset, we can create a future full of infinite possibilities!



The Mobius Team


Dr Samuel Soh
Co-founder and Principal of Mobius Academy

With extensive experience in various sectors of the industry, from residential to corporate event projects. Dr Samuel has worked with AirAsia, Gamuda Land, Under Armour and many more.


Dr Myron Liu
Co-founder of Mobius Academy

Founder of Mova Indesign Sdn Bhd, providing creative consultancy in both the commercial and residential sector that has worked with brands like Starbucks Coffee, Sony, Acer, Guess and many more.


Brandon Choo
Digital illustration Course Director

A passionate illustrator and Concept Designer with more than 12 years’ experience in the Gaming and Entertainment industry, Brandon has worked with industry leaders like Bandai Namco, NetEase Games, EA, Capcom, Blizzard Entertainment etc.


Digital illustration Creative Director

A Graphic Designer and illustrator with 15 years teaching experience, Guanyinma has worked with Nike Shanghai in a project titled Nike by You. A creative that has experience in international art exhibitions in countries like Singapore, Taiwan and China.

Interior design
Digital Illustration
ID kc


Interior design

Chief Lecturer of Interior Design

ID Sam Lum

Sam Lum

Interior Design

Administrative Executive and Senior Lecturer

ID Hester

Hester Lim

Interior Design

Senior Interior Designer



Interior Design

Senior Interior Designer

ID yvonne_


Interior Design

Senior Interior Designer

ID Azizul


Interior Design

Chief Graphic Designer

IL jenny-01

Jenny Lime

Digital Illustration

Senior Illustrator and Concept Artist

IL JR tam

JR Tam

Digital Illustration

Senior Illustrator and Concept Artist

IL zhua

Zhua Ng

Digital Illustration

Senior Illustrator and Concept Artist

IL amely-01

Amely Lee

Digital Illustration

Watercolour Illustrator and Graphic Designer

IL Tan


Digital Illustration

Senior Motion Graphic Designer

IL yongzhi

Yong Zhi

Digital Illustration

Senior illustrator and Concept Artist

IL Peichee

Pei Chee

Digital Illustration

Graphic Designer and Tutor


Our Creative Space

Student Lounges
Wú Coffee Gallery
View More


What our students say about us

I loved my time in Mobius because the lecturers are very respectful of student’s ideas, always encouraging students to be original and be just the way you are.
Digital Illustration Student
I was greatly drawn to the lecturer's extensive experience in the art and design market, as well as the up-to-date course materials provided in Mobius. Classroom environments were LIT.
Interior Design Student
One of the reasons that made me choose Mobius Academy is because of the wide variety of subjects they provide, this has also allowed me to express my art style and perform better. Through the one-on-one teaching style in Mobius, lecturers have helped me gain a deeper understanding of the market and expand my skill set.
Digital Illustration Student
I really loved looking at artwork by seniors in the classrooms and the corridors. Witnessing their hard work (and late-night efforts haha) inspires me to push myself harder and strive for improvement. I also really loved our lecturers. While they may critique our work (which can be frustrating at times), they are dedicated to guiding and elevating our skills every day. It's really motivating to see their commitment! They’re really friendly and make the classroom environment so enjoyable. I'm grateful for the guidance of my teachers because they've reignited my passion for art. 😉
Interior Design Student
The campus environment at Mobius Academy is really awesome! What attracted me the most was the interior design and overall atmosphere of the academy.
Digital Illustration Student
The controlled class size and optimal location was one of the reasons I chose Mobius!
Interior Design Student
I think it's really cool and fascinating that I get to bring spaces in my head to life. I really liked how Mobius Academy lecturers would adapt to different students’ needs, using different communication approaches based on individual needs.
Yong Yu Yun
Asia Young Designer Awards AYDA ADWARDS 2022 - Best Colour Choice Awards Winner
To achieve my ideals and dreams, I strive to create designs that are both practical and imbued with a sense of beauty, allowing people to experience the aesthetics behind the design. At Mobius Academy, I was impressed by the efficient delivery of top-notch techniques and materials. I particularly appreciated the opportunity to have close discussions with the lecturers
Wong Zhen Xuan
Daikin Youth Design Competition 2023 Residential Category - Consolation Award Holder
I chose Mobius Academy because I appreciate its bilingual classes and the small class sizes. I hope to work with a company that is willing to teach me and guide me through the interior design field !
Tan Qian Jing
Mobius Academy has shown a really attractive education style, giving students great freedom to challenge themselves in the designs they want to achieve. Lecturers are also really approachable, I appreciate how I can talk to my teachers like my friends.
Cheong Chi Lou
Daikin Youth Design Competition 2022 - GOLD Award Winner
I loved how Mobius Academy is an academy that does not limit my imagination, it’s always a relaxing place to learn and create! Not to mention the bilingual classes and super fun and approachable lecturers!
Fua Khai Zhe
What attracts me to Mobius is the incredible lecturers, the lecturers here aren't rigid in their approach to teaching. They're down-to-earth, funny, and impart practical knowledge that's incredibly useful. Many of our teachers are highly accomplished interior designers in the market, they often share a lot of valuable experiences with me. I owe much of my success to Mobius Academy, which ensures that I'm always keeping up with the changes in the market.
Wong Sher Min
Daikin Youth Design Competition 2021 - Silver Award

Asia Young Designer Awards AYDA ADWARDS 2020 - Honorary Mention
I think Interior designers are considered to be the jacks-of-all-trades; we need to have a basic understanding in every field to avoid mistakes during the design process. This has also become one of the most valuable lessons I've learned at Mobius. The teachers here educate us and share insights on the inevitable challenges we'll encounter in society, offering advice that helps us avoid hazards.
Cheong Che Hou
Daikin Youth Design Competition 2022 - Finallist & Popularity Award
Mobius has provided me a platform to perform and also helped me gain a deeper understanding of how to construct and use materials and colors to create optimal living spaces. I feel passionate and motivated by the chance I get to turn my ideas into reality.
Yap Wei Yong
中国寻新奖华南区冠军,全国5强 China Star Search Award South China Region, Top 5 finalist

Daikin Youth Design Competition 2023 Commercial Category - Consolation Award holder

transportation.There is no pressure or strict rules, and the lecturers are easy to communicate with. If there is anything I don't understand, I can always ask questions and they will guide me through it.
Interior Design Student